Vitaworks embraces kids for what they are - kids! We’re parents too and we know that kids don’t always “love” school. And they will play in the dirt or make a mess of drawers. And climb up to get that chocolate chip cookie when no one is looking. While some may look at them as little monsters, to us they’re just energetic normal kids, doing the things kids do!
That’s why Vitaworks is so important. Kids won’t always eat their fruits and veggies, but vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of good nutrition, necessary for growth and development. Vitaworks comes in delicious chewables and mouthwatering jelly beans to help ensure that your little monster, er, child, takes their daily dose of vitamins and minerals.
Our doctor-recommended vitamins are formulated with top-quality ingredients and are monster-themed so that kids know that these were created especially for them and their needs. Whether learning in school or messing up the toy room, Vitaworks unabashedly supports kids’ ability to be kids. Anytime and anywhere. And with great tasting vitamins, you’ll be surprised how quickly they grow from little monsters to healthy adults!